Welcome to the Coast Geological Society

Established 1948

Meeting Details

The Coast Geological Society hosts monthly talks from leading geological experts from around the world.  The topics of our monthly meetings can range from Paleontology & Dinosaurs, Earthquakes, Mars Missions, and stuff right at home at the coast. Please come and enjoy!

Scholarship Program

A majority of funds that come from our members and sponsors go to the student scholarship program. Your generous donation helps build our community!

Mailing List

Our mission is to advance the science of geology, foster the spirit of scientific research, disseminate information relating to geology, inspire and maintain a high standard of professional conduct, and to advance the professional well being of our members. Sign up for our mailing list to receive information regarding CGS!

Meeting and Membership Pricing

Social Mixer 6:00-6:45
Dinner Served 7:00
Raffle & Announcements 7:30-7:45
Presentation and Q&A 7:45-8:45

Professional Member



  •   Social Hour - Includes Free Drinks

  •  Steak or Vegetarian Dinner

  •  Speaker Presentation




  •  Everything in previous package

February Meeting,
Until The Event

Visit Us

In Person Meetings
Every 3rd Tuesday of the Month

Poinsettia Pavilion
3451 Foothill Rd
Ventura, CA 93003

Third Tuesday of Every Month: 6PM – 9PM
Poinsettia Pavilion
    3451 Foothill Rd Ventura, CA 93003
Have Questions? Email: coastgeologicalsociety@gmail.com
Click Here to sign up for our Mailing List